sentimental futurist


Welcome to my personal website. Here I host and gather my web projects and experiments.

This website is perpetually under construction. I want to think of it as some sort of digital garden I like to tend to, where small things will eventually grow.

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some projects

Stuff I've done. Hope to add more things to the list soon-ish!

about this place

This is my operations center of sorts, to host my pages and various projects. All of them are created for my own amusement, but if anyone finds them interesting or entertaining, then that makes me extra happy ♡

This main page is coded by hand in vscode and is plain HTML, SCSS and a bit of JavaScript. It's intended to be mobile/ipad/high-resolution/whatever-friendly.

Previously this website was; I'm fond of that name, but kinda got tired of it as it was too personal, too me. Sentimental futurist is a title that still speaks about the person, but it's a rather indistinct identity that makes me feel more confortable (if that makes sense).

about me

adj. of or prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia.
noun. one whose chief interests are in what is to come; one who anxiously, eagerly, or confidently looks forward to the future; an expectant.

(That sums me up, pretty much).

Name's Silvia (she/they). Front-end developer by day, fanfiction reader by night. Or something. I go by many other names: I used to be known as Shirubia and you can call me Sil, Shiru, Senti or whatever.

Ever since I was eight, I wanted a computer of my own; it took another eight years for my wish to come true. In 2002 I created my first website in Geocities with a WYSIWYG editor (with starry background and all), and since then I've inhabited the internets with various blogs and small personal projects.

Now I do for a living the same things I do for fun: stare at a computer screen for hours on end and perpetrate code. Which probably means I'm not right in the head. But at least my coding skills are better now... Slightly ☺



You can send me an e-mail at:

(...but don't copy/paste it).

find me elsewhere

buttons :)

made with affection view with any browser view with any (damn) browser ban time travel NOW a fast web??? we've got it! here flash free web Geocities Project Gutenberg Microsoft Internet Exploder made with love privacy now built listening to winamp
